Energy independent house?


What is an energy independent house?

Independent living doesn't have to mean moving to a cabin in the woods and going back to basics. These tips will help you explore ways to produce your own food, use less energy, live healthier and save money, wherever you live.

You are most likely aware of the rising price of electricity, water and other utilities, along with growing concerns for our environment and the effects of global warming. In response to these issues, more and more people are pursuing the idea of living in a self-sufficient home.

What is an autonomous house?

Self-sufficient homes provide all their energy, water, sewage needs and food - they are the first in green housing!

You can either start a self-sufficient home from scratch, or you can adopt modifications to make your current home more energy independent.

Advantages of having a self-contained home

Having a self-contained home has a number of advantages, which include:

- Smaller carbon footprint - It's important to take action now to reduce our negative impact and help sustain the environment for our future generations.

- Lower energy costs - Rising electricity prices mean that average energy bills have risen over the last 10 years. Self-sufficient homes use solar power which costs much less than grid electricity. It also means you'll never be exposed to rising energy prices again.

- Bill-free lifestyle - Once your systems are in place and paid for, you'll essentially have access to free electricity and water supply. This means you should be able to live a bill-free lifestyle that creates financial freedom for you and your family.

- Higher property value - Buyers are increasingly seeing the benefits that self-contained homes offer, from lower running costs to a more sustainable lifestyle. Green homes now attract much higher property values than their non-green counterparts.

Ways to create a self-sufficient home

Here are three things you should consider if you're looking for ways to improve your home to be more self-sufficient.

Water management

Securing an independent water source can be difficult. Digging a well is one of the most obvious choices, but it is not always an option. Another idea is to collect rainwater and use it as a clean, renewable resource. Water can be pumped through a filtration system and then safely used for showering, cleaning and laundry. Or, you can simply collect rainwater in water storage tanks and then use it directly in the garden. Tanks for Anything , explains how "there are many advantages to storing rainwater, the main one being the savings made on metered water costs, which can bring savings of up to 50%. Other key benefits of rainwater harvesting include helping to reduce flood risks and lowering the load on combined sewer overflows, improving river water quality. "

Alternative electricity

The next step towards creating a self-sufficient home is switching to renewable energy, such as solar power. Although the initial installation may seem expensive, it is much more efficient and is likely to save you money in the long run. The solar energy experts at Rainz Cube say it's a clean, maintenance-free energy source that will provide your home with electricity that is completely environmentally friendly. You also have the potential to earn extra income from solar through the feed-in tariff. This is a government scheme where households with solar panels receive a payment for any electricity they generate and don't use. This payment is set for the next 20 years and so now is a great time to take advantage of this incentive and earn extra income from solar!


Growing your own organic fruit and vegetables is a major step towards a self-sufficient home. Although this will require effort and dedication, it is definitely worth it. Not only will this reduce your carbon footprint, but it will also save you money on food and provide a healthier alternative for you and your family. If you don't have enough space in your garden to grow all your needs, then start small and choose a few of your favorite plants or vegetables to grow. You could also look into renting land in a nearby lot.

Final thought

Environmental concerns, coupled with rising prices for electricity, water and other utilities, have created a recent surge in interest in self-sufficient living. Increasing the self-sufficiency of your home will save you money and is the ultimate way to minimise your environmental impact. All it takes is some dedication, and the result is a cost-efficient and healthier home.

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